Solidity / Web3 Developer / Blockchain Enthusiast

Backend developer & consultant with 15 years of overall development experience, with a strong focus on the web3 and crypto space for the past 2 years.

I am a firm believer in the power of decentralization and the potential of cryptocurrencies. My expertise lies in developing innovative solutions for decentralized applications (dApps) and blockchain-based platforms.

During the last 2 years, I have immersed myself in the world of blockchain technology, acquiring in-depth knowledge of Solidity, JavaScript, and Go to build secure and efficient solutions.

I have worked extensively with smart contracts, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and blockchain protocols to develop robust decentralized systems.

My current technical skills include

  • Solidity (Smart Contracts, Ethereum Virtual Machine)
  • JavaScript (React, Node.js, NextJS, ethers, web3)
  • Ruby (Rails, Hanami, dry-rb stack, command-line utilities)
  • Go (API, command-line utilities)

I am deeply passionate about contributing to the decentralization movement and actively participate in the crypto community. By leveraging the principles of the DevOps methodology, I automate daily routines to ensure seamless integration and deployment processes for blockchain-based projects.

I am dedicated to continuous learning and improvement, always seeking to enhance my programming and time-management skills. In my free time, I actively contribute to open-source projects, particularly those related to web3 and decentralized technologies.

How can I assist you in the web3 and crypto space?

  • Develop and deploy backend solutions for your decentralized applications and blockchain projects
  • Refactor and optimize smart contracts and dApp codebases
  • Implement CI/CD pipelines for blockchain-based systems
  • Enhance code quality with linters, spell checkers, and security audits
  • Improve the performance and user experience of your decentralized websites and applications

Let’s work together!

If you share the belief in decentralization and crypto, feel free to contact me. Let’s collaborate and drive the future of the decentralized web together!

One thought on “Solidity / Web3 Developer / Blockchain Enthusiast”

  1. I couldn’t decide on the plugin at first. Installed then uninstalled it. I understand the privacy argument and also there is still a degree of link paranoia where SEO’s take down perfectly good links because their fighting a search algorithm. So I didn’t want to be bothered with people asking to take links down and uninstalled it. Fast forward to today, I had a rethink and changed my mind. Links are and should be public by nature, as a webmaster I would like to see where my traffic is coming from. So I can forge new relationships, provide useful links to readers and be transparent in where I link to for both visitor and webmaster. So I reinstalled and this time it stays. Brilliant plugin btw.

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